LockerToken Contract


Locker tokens are minted and burned upon the locking and redeeming of XAI assets. These tokens represent the relative value of the assets and the yield earned. Locker tokens are divided into two categories: share tokens and liquidity tokens. Both types can be safely stored, transferred, or traded.

Share Token (stXAI)

Share tokens are tied to the overall rewards earned from staking. All yield collected by the locker is distributed directly to share token holders by continuously increasing the value of each share.

Liquidity Token (alXAI)

Liquidity tokens maintain a 1:1 value with XAI, ensuring stability and minimizing exit fees when traded on decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

EIP-20 Functions

Standard EIP-20 methods are implemented for both token types, including balanceOf, transfer, transferFrom, approve, and totalSupply.

Custom Functions


function burnFrom(address from, uint256 amount)

Burns tokens on behalf of the user, up to the specified allowance.


function setMinterStatus(address minter, bool status)

Grants or revokes the minter role for a specified address.

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